Dear Students/Participants,

The Y has a long, proud history of encouraging participation in our nation’s democracy. Today, our Legislative and State Affairs Forum Students did just that as we kicked off our YMCA Texas Youth and Government Annual High School Conference.  

Early this month, many witnessed the storming of our U.S. Capitol an affront to this important work and our Y core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. We invite you to read the full statement from YMCA of the USA’s CEO, Kevin Washington about this event and the Y’s commitment to the democratic process.

Few generations of young Americans have faced as challenging a year as you have these last 12 months, and you have risen to meet each historical moment in ways that are only beginning to be recognized.

As we work to ensure that “democracy is learned by each generation,” and during our conference week, we are asking youth around the country to take part in 5 action items during the first weeks of the new year at

  1. Register for our virtual YMCA Youth National Assembly
  2. Sponsor the Educating for Democracy Act
  3. Read & Share the Roadmap to Engaging Youth Voice 
  4. Advance Youth Equity
  5. Apply for the Rise Initiative

Learn more and take action at: