Today, I present you the last JYG officer profile. See below to learn more about our Junior Youth Lieutenant Governor, Taya Thompson ’24.

Junior Youth Lieutenant Governor Taya Thompson ’24

How long have you participated in YG? The upcoming year will be my third year.

What is your favorite thing about participating in YG? My favorite thing about participating in JYG is to learn about everyone’s different outlooks and takeaways on the various topics. It is cool to see how I might think one way about an issue and meet with a delegate that has a completely different perspective on the same issue. Learning about the different viewpoints on problems helps me have a better outlook on the world because I am able to view it through different perspectives thanks to my fellow delegates.

What is your favorite YG memory? My favorite YG moment was right after I finished my campaign speech at last year’s state conference. It felt like all my hard work had paid off and it was really cool to see the speech that I had been working on for months come to life.

What are you most excited to do in your elected position this year? I am most excited to go to all the different committees and get to experience all the debates. I am also excited to help Diya pick out the final bills to pass.

What message would you like to give to first year students in YG? For first year students, my advice is to be super confident in yourself. You have spent months working on your proposal or bill and your time to shine has finally arrived. Put yourself out there and really try to get your point across. You want to get others as excited as you are on your proposal or bill. Even if it may feel a little weird, it is important to put yourself out there because others will want to have the same confidence that you have and will follow your example.