At the start of the meeting, the Judge will come in while everyone around stands up. After the Judge says, “You may take a seat,” “and may we commence,” the meeting will start. The Judge will express and establish certain house rules that need to be followed by anyone in that room. After everyone has gotten comfortable and understood those house rules, the Judge will swear in all the witnesses. “Students should understand that the jury determines the facts in a case, primarily through their acceptance or rejection of the testimony offered by various witnesses for both sides.” (Judicial Circuit Court).

When everyone is sworn in and ready to give their own statements, they will do so when the Judge allows them. Subsequent to the previous situation, opening remarks will state the arguments that will go back and forth, recrossing the entire time. Accordingly, all sides have found information regarding each opposing side, and each prosecutor carefully inspects and questions the defining witness for further information that may help their argument. Following, three witnesses on each side will be questioned.

The closing arguments are very vital in a mock trial, the closing arguments will position the evaluation given by the Judge. This last resort for the given argument will truly show what each team is made of. The court will then adjourn, and the trial will end. In conclusion, a Mock trial is an example of “A mock trial is an act or imitation trial.” (Wikipedia), which was presented well. Lastly, a Mock trial is a court trial that is mimicked by a group of people with opposing views on a given subject. There is a lot of respect that goes into Mock Trail. According to analysis, you must be prepared to answer questions asked by prosecutors who deep dive into the cross-examination.

Written by: Rigoberto Frausto Martinez