A congratulations is in order for Carmela Lozano! She won the second drawing for an Amazon gift card that we hosted for all of the students that completed the pre-program survey this year.

We want to thank all students that completed our pre-program survey. A total of 643 students completed the pre-program survey this year! We have a little under 3,000 students registered, so more than 20% of students completed our survey!

As I mentioned before, the pre-program survey helps us better understand how the program impacts students and what are the areas that we could improve in. The input we receive from students teach us how we can make YG better for everyone. Thought it may seem small, it is an accomplishment that 1 out of 5 students completed our survey! It is a huge increase from last year and the additional responses allow us to learn more about the impact we have on students from all across the state. Therefore, I want to thank all of our students again for completing our survey!