By: Amarys Rodriguez

It’s that time of year again, the Youth and Government State Conference is in full session! As we all gather together again in the deep heart and soul of Texas (which is obviously Kalahari Resort & Hotel), we all have a brief moment of clarity where we sit and wonder: who am I voting for this year? The opening ceremony provides delegates an insight into the platform and integrity of the governor candidate they choose to vote for. Each candidate holds a responsibility to campaign and encourage delegates to vote while keeping the YG experience as educational and meaningful as possible. As day one of the State Conference comes to an end and as delegates cast their ballots for the 78th Youth Governor, we are all wondering the same thing: who’s going to win? Many delegates choose a governor who either aligns with their own goals and values, has made persuasive strides at winning their vote, or are simply happy to support candidates from their district. Madilyn Garcia, a Trial Court delegate from District 7 plans to vote for candidate Preston Lee, stating “I’m voting for Lee, because his message really stuck with me, and a vote for Lee is a vote for me”. During the opening ceremony, candidate Lee emphasized his slogan, promising that he would strive for representation and connection among districts. The catchy slogan seems to ring in the minds of many delegates, who agreed that “A vote for Lee is a vote for me.” Yet, according to many delegates, Lee is not the only gubernatorial candidate who has a catchy slogan. Candidate Joey Mcguire, whose motto is “Rise higher with Mcguire.”, stuck with many delegates like Bailey Watrach from District 7, who believes “We can do more together with Mcguire”, and Omi Joshi, a Legislative delegate from District 3, who believes Mcguire “is the best possible candidate that we have this year.” Delegates also have multiple opportunities to speak with candidates one-on-one to discuss their platforms.

Alana Arteaga, a judicial delegate from District 5, emphasized how she resonates with candidate Lee’s idea of having mini scrimmages and mini competitions that lead up to state, “because it allows teams who have never done Mock Trial to participate and to grow, and it gives us more opportunities to meet new people.” A key experience of Youth and Government is talking to complete strangers, and talking to Youth Governor candidates is not exempt from that. While awkward at times, speaking to candidates is the easiest and most engaging way to understand who is the best fit for you. So the next time you see a potential Youth Governor circling the capitol, make sure to stop by, say hi, and ask them “Why should I vote for you.”