So . . . why do so many YG kids do debate?

Written by:  Medha Rapuri

On the seventh floor of the Kalahari resort, the Greenhill delegation’s girls inhabit a room where two are currently active in Speech & Debate, and the other three bring past experience to this extracurricular pursuit. On the sixth floor, the boys of the Greenhill delegation, with two actively participating in Speech & Debate and the remaining two having past experience, continue this trend. Nearly all members of this single delegation boast experience with these extracurriculars, a pattern consistently observed throughout all Youth and Government sections, particularly in Legislative and Judicial activities. Students have compelling reasons for participating in both extracurriculars. Sarah Koshy, a witness in her mock trial team and a Lincoln-Douglas style debater, attests to the transferability of debate skills to mock trial, including “argumentative innovation, quick thinking, crowd engagement, and ethos.” This highlights the symbiotic relationship between debate and mock trial, where skills acquired in one arena significantly benefit the other. Jonaki Bose, an expert-level witness in mock trial and World school styledebater, reinforces this reciprocity by stating that her “speaking style is strengthened by mock trial”, helping her reduce filler words, a valuable asset in debate competitions. The clear consensus is that students choose to engage in both Speech & Debate and Mock Trial for strategic, holistic skill development in public speaking. Although these extracurriculars are fleeting high school experiences, their impact extends beyond graduation. Ethan Chen, a youth governor candidate, credits his time in legislative for enhancing his “ability to speak effectively” and notes that “debate experience has sharpened his skills in effective communication”. These skills, cultivated during high school activities, are invaluable for future endeavors, exemplified by Ethan’s aspiration to pursue a career in law. In short, student’s participation in Speech & Debate or YG highlights a deliberate approach to honing well-rounded communication skills, fostering lasting benefits for their future pursuits and determination to make the world a better place.

Written by: Medha Rapuri