By Krrish Mohammed

Youth and Government has been here for a long time. It was started in 1936 and has been a growing organization. It helps the future generations to become critical thinkers and helps deal with future problems they face in their lives. Youth and Government is about the youth being involved in government and politics. The State Capitol is a good example to show and participate for state, this place has a lot of history and people with different stories. The youth may get inspired and influenced by this place filled with rich history. Many students say how their experience was good, the opening is filled with heartwarming speeches about how great this club/organization is. Frank Reichert and Murray Print, who wrote an article about high school students and government and civics, state that the students’ participation in government shows a higher chance of them participating in other activities and interactions with more people. Laura Perna, who also wrote an article about students and government, states how the being involved in the government encourages participation and maximize benefits to individuals and society. As shown, Youth and Government has a lot of benefits, and as a participant here, I say this club has helped me a lot. Our world run on government and politics, without
these ideologies our world would be in chaos and unstable ruling system. My concluding remarks are to consider join this amazing club.

Reichert, F., & Print, M. (2018). Civic Participation of High School Students: The Effect of Civic Learning in
School. Educational Review, 70(3), 318–341.
Perna, L., Orosz, K., Jumakulov, Z., Kishkentayeva, M., & Ashirbekov, A. (2015). Understanding the
programmatic and contextual forces that influence participation in a government-sponsored
international student-mobility program. Higher Education (00181560), 69(2), 173–188.