By Qandeel Suleman

In the John H. Reagan Building, the Hyde Senate reviewed and discussed bills written by delegates over various topics, from adding a personal finance class to creating prerequisites to obtain a license for firearms. 

Each bill author was asked questions for a short time period in order to clarify their bill and discuss the purpose of it with their fellow delegates. Afterward, amendments are put forth to improve the original bill and finally, the delegates make a speech of whether they support or oppose the bill. In the end, the bill is voted for due passage, and when it is by the agreeance of “aye’s” it will be sent to the House for further voting.

The delegates in the Hyde Senate were very serious in terms of how they handled situations and how they were towards the process of presenting and passing bills. It was very obvious how intrigued the delegates were by the questions, bills, and amendments, along with how important it was to follow the rules and provide insightful thoughts. Many of the delegates were able to voice their opinions especially on controversial topics of gun violence.

Throughout the process, especially the period of questions, the passion of legislation along with creating and revising bills was vividly present in the way the delegates quickly stood up to ask a question. Moreover, in the amendment and pro/con periods, the delegates had clearly put a lot of time, effort, and thought into saying what they believe is right.

During the ten-minute recess, conversation with some of the delegates of the Hyde Senate gave insight into their experiences. It was many of their first time at state, while some had just switched to legislative this year.

Some delegates, such as Summi Man, believed legislative “would be fun and relevant to current society.”

As a part of the Hyde Senate, or any section of the legislation, each delegate is able to gain new skills and improve on those they already have. From communication skills to being creative and coming up with things on the spot.