By Alison Torres

Debating a bill that would require the government to fund safe sex education in mental institutions, delegate Ronnie Burns asks bill author Kevin Tom, “Why not have safe sex education in school instead of mental institutions?” Tom was unable to reply.

“Will grocery stores be providing reusable bags to low income families who may not be able to afford one?”said delegate Kate Carpenter to bill author Denisse Viera about her plastic free bill.

“No, they’ll have to buy their own reusable bags or pay the 25 cent fee for the plastic ones, the reusable bags will be better in the long run for both the plant and our pockets,” said Viera.

Delegate Aaron Adair preparing to speak on the house floor regarding a bill preserving monuments of the American Civil war.

“Do you believe that the Texas Government should commemorate those who are on the wrong side of history?” said elegate Lesleigh Taylor to pro speaker Alfredo Acuna conserning a bill that would perserve monuments from the American Civil War.

“They may be on the wrong side of history, but we can’t forget that they’re apart of Texas History as well,” Acuna said.

“Once again I believe the amendments relating to penalties have shown that there are people who wish to see this bill passed, thank you, but once again I cannot support this amendment.” The house votes on the amendment and it is not adopted,” said Angel Prado, responding to an amendment.

Sarah Kelly questions the proponent speaker.

“Would you agree that keeping monuments up in public places will be honoring that event in history?” said Sarah Kelly.

Bill author Eric Li is presenting his opening statement for his bill regarding increasing the requirements for ownership of firearms.

“First change the legal age of owning a firearm to 21 years old, you will require psychological evaluations every 2 years, background checks,” Li said.

Delegate Nickolas Horn presents an amendment to remove provision “A,” which changes the legal age for ownership of a firearm to 21 years old.

“This provision doesn’t make much sense,” Horn said. “People are allowed to go to war and use guns at the age of 18, I shouldn’t be allowed to go to war but come home and not be able to buy a gun.”

Delegates of the House are voting to pass the bill that states “an act to increase requirements for ownership of firearms.” The house passes the bill.

A delegate asked bill author Hannah Le, “What are the guidelines for the speakers coming to the schools?”

“As shown in my bill the speaker will need to have 5 or more years of experience speaking to groups of 500 or more, they will also be required to give out pamphlets to the students,” Le said.