By Karxyriah Ashley

At the 2019 Youth and Government State Conference, many students of many different backgrounds came together on the commonality of being a #Lifesaver.

Even under all the stress and pressure to perform well and deliver good bills, cases, and proposals, many delegates still found a way to help out other people who were in need.

Delegate, Sofia Albini, said, “Being in legislative has given me the voice and the ability put my thoughts into concise words so that they can have a stronger impact.”

With this, she is able to have a voice and the ability to be a voice for other people.

“I can see the perspective of all different sides and respect other people’s beliefs even if they come from different cultural backgrounds socio-economic statuses. I’ve realized that we are not as different as we think, Albini said.

Delegate, Tanya Shiramagond, said, “Veing in Youtth and Government legislative has helped me become more open minded with my own political views. I’ve been exposed to other peoples views and I understand that it’s not all one party you can have believes from the right and the left. You don’t necessarily have to obey one side. I think having healthy conversation is also an important part of the legislative process. It’s not just about supporting your own argument, but learning from other people‘s experiences as well.”

At the end of the day, Youth and Govenrment students hold respect and giving back to people at the highest importance. Whether it’s helping someone’s bill by speaking proponent, getting coffee for your friends to help wake them up, or helping your friend by carrying their luggage for them, every single student at the 2019 State Conference proves that they are a #Lifesaver.