By Simone Lee

 The morning of the 5th round of county court, two teams from International Leadership and the Perry YMCA both questioned, and fought to win the Cameron Shepard v. Texas State case.

  On one side, we have the prosecution, Wyatt and Kate Kimble. When asked about the case and how difficult and or easy it was to put forth a good prosecution case Kate stated, “Since we did do prosecution this round, it wasn’t that hard to come up with questions that contradicted the witnesses.”

The defense gave an opposite response. “It was extremely hard to come up with good questions because being on defense is really hard. Evidence contradicts itself and we had to come up with argument after argument that didn’t hurt us in the long run” Matthew Robertson of International Leadership High School said.

Perry YMCA delegates found that cross-questioning was extremely hard, as did International Leadership. They both gave very similar statements.

“You have to be extremely quick-witted and know what you’re going to say before you say it. It’s fun and I believe the Judicial branch is a branch anyone can learn and learn to do well.” said Kate Kimble of Perry YMCA stated.

Both teams seemed to be extremely passionate about Youth and Government, they have the aspirations to inspire younger teens joining the organization. The more controversial cases, or as both teams put “the more fun ones” seem to pull more younger individuals into the program.

“I see an extremely bright future for this program, I see younger people wanting to join this organization and grow our so-called family,” Wyatt of Perry YMCA said.

Both teams are mostly filled with first-time witnesses and attorneys. Linda from International Leadership is a first-year attorney as were both attorneys from Perry YMCA.

“It was hard being a freshman and joining as an attorney, I was a witness at district. However, I’ve met so many great people and I love every bit of it,” Matthew Robertson said. “I want people to join and experience it, I would probably tell people about how the murder cases are so fun to try and figure out.”